In her acceptance statement Lynda said
"As Chair of the TPS Board, I will promote the profession of transport planning and its ability to secure sustainable transport provision both in the short and longer term. The TPS has a critical role in driving this agenda together with other partners; and I am deeply concerned about the on-going failure of our society to effectively get to grips with it. Notwithstanding Government policies, regional documents and local plans all promoting the provision of sustainable transport it is not happening; and the question has to be, why? Securing its provision increases in its relevance every year so what needs to happen to radically change the practices of the past? A number of other countries seem to be more effective at making the shift both at a society and governmental level.
The TPS has already championed a number of issues of relevance, e.g. changes to transport modelling as well as the training of professionals. It will be essential to build on all this work, while other organisations are also engaged and joint action will be beneficial. I am a strong advocate of collaboration and partnership working in all fields where relevant. I chair the Sustainable Transport Panel of the CIHT and am an adviser to CBT. In the former role, we are undertaking research into what is happening in local authorities in respect of the delivery of the NPPF core planning principle (para. 17) “to… actively manage patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, and focus significant development in locations which are or can be made sustainable”. In the latter role, I am part of their Thought Leadership Group on aspects related to development.
For those that don’t know me, a bit of background may be useful. My first job was in research and I looked at travel to work patterns. This was followed by looking at local transport issues in Primrose Hill as a junior planner in Camden. In Norfolk, I led the transport chapter of the Structure Plan as well as many other transport issues. In both Southwark and Harrow, I was responsible for working with engineering colleagues to develop the local plan, action plans and improvement schemes which require integrated working. This carried on when I moved to Hounslow, ultimately resulting in my becoming Director of Planning and Transport. It was here I particularly focused on walking and improving the pedestrian environment, including for those with disabilities, and inputting to PPG13.
As the founder director of Addison & Associates, I worked at national and local level supporting central and local government to improve both planning and transport services. This included leading on best practice research and guidance from the operation of travel planning, local plans and housing assessments to resourcing and delivering effective development management. Along the way, I have led work on improving the street scene, enhancing accessibility to services in rural areas, giving evidence at a Transport Select Committee and being a transport expert for the DCLG’s Eco-towns Challenge Panel.
The challenge of chairing the TPS is therefore right up my street! I look forward to meeting you all "
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