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The Transport Planning Society and Norman Rourke Pryme invite you to join a one day study tour examining transport planning practice in large scale housing developments in the Exeter Travel to Work area. This will be a chance to visit new housing schemes and learn about their planning, design and construction.
Accredited for 6 hours CPD
Date: from 10am, Thursday 20th March 2025
Topic: "Exeter Housing Developments Study Tour" with David Knight
Where: Meet at Cranbrook rail station
Reserve your place now here as numbers are limited.
The cost is £295 + VAT for TPS Members, £325 + VAT for Non-members
There has been much concern in recent years that current transport planning practice associated with the planning and design of new housing developments is not leading to sustainable outcomes.
This is a unique opportunity for you to visit new housing developments being built out in an area of the country with exemplar transport conditions and to understand the issues that have arisen in the planning and design of these schemes.
If you are involved in providing transport planning advice on new housing schemes including contributing to Transport Assessments and Travel Plans, designing access arrangements and transport schemes and informing masterplans, then this is the opportunity to better understand what our work leads to.
Dr David Knight was awarded his PhD for his study of Transport Planning Practice in Large Scale Housing Developments in England which included case study research of ten new communities in the Exeter Travel to Work Area. This study tour will include five of these developments located on the eastern side of Exeter.
David will lead a walking tour of the development sites telling the story of their planning and identifying their strengths and the weaknesses in transport planning terms. Delegates will have the opportunity to assess the merits of the schemes themselves.
The tour will conclude at the Darts Farm shopping village in Topsham for a review of the sites and the lessons learnt.
Lunch will be provided at the Cranberry Farm, Cranbrook from 1pm
Please complete the booking form to secure your place
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