East African cities are among the fastest growing in the world which is driven by trade with recently industrialised countries and their African neighbours. The trade is bringing access to low cost goods and services including that for infrastructure development. Despite advantages for local communities, the rapid growth has brought its major challenges.
Bus Rapid Transit is an answer to population growth in the Tanzanian city of Dar es Salaam to both enable people to access opportunities and mitigate the worsening traffic congestion. The BRT has transformed journey times between the suburbs and the city centre for the expanding communities, whilst trade connections with Brazil and China have made delivery relatively affordable. The talk will explore the planning and appraisal of the scheme in a city that is increasingly defying western perceptions of the region.
Speaker: Ed Holden
Ed is both a Transport Planner with AECOM and a Trustee with the UK registered charity Friends of Amani Tanzania UK (FOAT). He has seen Tanzania go through rapid changes since his first visit in 2005. With input from the Dar Rapid Transit Agency (DART) and his own transport development experience, he will contrast the development considerations for the BRT with the similar processes taken in the UK.
Further details about FOAT can be read here: https://amanitzuk.org/
Venue: Aecom, 4th Floor, Merchants Court, 2 - 12 Lord Street, Liverpool L2 1TS
Places are limited so please book a place by emailing your details to helen.cumiskey@wsp.com
Please arrive 12:00 for a prompt start at 12:30
Event sponsored by Aecom.
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