Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places
Joint event organised by TPS and UWE.
This new advice, led by CIHT in collaboration with TPS and RTPI, is the result of a great deal of work by professionals interested in creating better places by better integrating planning and transport. It focuses on the critical practical steps that can be taken by planning professionals, developers, advisers, and local councils to overcome these barriers, from developing a strategic or Local Plan to delivering a development. Join us for a joint event organised by TPS and UWE to hear about the recommendations from one of the authors and join the discussion on how to deliver better transport planning outcomes.
Speaker: Lynda Addison OBE BSc Dip TP FCIHT MTPS
Lynda is Chair of the Sustainable Transport Panel of CIHT, immediate former Chair of the Transport Planning Society and an Adviser to The Campaign for Better Transport. She is a member of the Foundation for Integrated Transport's Steering Group on Transport and New Development.
Venue: Q Block, UWE Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, campus map here.
5.30pm tea in room 2Q48 for a 6pm start in 2Q49.
Please book here.
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