Sponsorship Opportunities 2024


Benefits of sponsorship

By sponsoring Transport Planning Day, you will promote your company as a leader in thinking about equity in transport and as a key supporter of this exciting campaign and events promoting transport planning. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your brand to transport industry leaders and key decision-makers.

We have a limited number of sponsorship packages available, to ensure your brand stands out and is not diluted in any way. We have designed each package to offer the most coverage for your investment. You will enjoy extensive brand exposure through pre, post and on the day event marketing.


Sponsorship levels available 

Platinum (no longer available) - £4,500 plus VAT

·       Keynote speaker slot at Transport Planning Day

·       Place on Transport Planning Day Steering Committee

·       Opportunity to host supporting webinar on a subject of your choosing, under the TPD theme.

·       Logo and 150 word profile on website

·       Company logo/branding as Platinum sponsor on all event communications and promotional material

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations

·       Opportunity to have your own small roll-up banner at TP Day networking reception

·       Opportunity to add on Reception package for extra £2,500 plus VAT


Gold (1 available) - £2,750 plus VAT

·       Panel speaking slot at Transport Planning Day

·       Opportunity to host supporting webinar on a subject of your choosing, under the TPD theme

·       Logo and 100 word profile on website

·       Company logo/branding as Gold sponsor on all event communications and promotional material,

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations

·       Opportunity to have your own small roll-up banner at TP Day networking reception

·       Opportunity to tag on Reception package for extra £2,500 plus VAT


Reception Package (1 available) - £2,750 plus VAT

·       ‘Welcome’ speaking opportunity at Transport Planning Day networking reception

·       Opportunity to host supporting webinar on a subject of your choosing, under the TPD theme.

·       Logo and 100 word profile on website

·       Company logo/branding as Reception sponsor on all event communications and promotional material.

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations

·       Opportunity to have your own large display banner and promotional material at networking reception


Silver (3 available) - £1,150 plus VAT

·       Company logo on Transport Planning Society website

·       Logo and 75 word profile on website

·       Company logo/branding as Silver sponsor on all event communications and promotional material

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       Opportunity to have your own small roll-up banner at TP Day networking reception

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations


SME Package (5 available) - £600 plus VAT

·       Logo and 50 word profile on website

·       Opportunity to host a webinar, on a subject of your choosing, under the TPD theme

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       Opportunity to have your own small roll-up banner at TP Day networking reception

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations


Badge Sponsor (no longer available)  - £250 plus VAT

·       Logo and 50 word bio on website

·       Company logo on attendee badges

·       Exposure through all social media communications

·       On the day promotion on all signage and presentations


Please contact the TPS at businessmanager@tps.org.uk for further details. 


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